"So many victims will need prosthesis in short order. Many people can't afford the advanced prosthesis and insurances will likely cover only basic models. I suggest that Nike, Saucony, and all the other companies making millions off of marathon gear pool their profits into outfitting these families with the best that money can buy. We can call it the RichardsFund after Michael Richards, the 8 year old who lost his life. Start the movement"
Back to Blogging
And that was some serious time off!!!! I don’t think I have published a post professional or otherwise for 30 days. Honestly, it was a much…
An Apropos Quote
"An author is a fool who, not content with boring those he lives with, insists on boring future generations. Charles de Montesquieu (French lawyer &…
The Holidays…..
I have not posted in quite sometime. I guess I needed the break. As the Christmas holiday approaches, I am facing for the first time…
Sock Dreams
This is a note to my future girlfriend (Whoever that may end up being! Regardless, hurry the hell up. This single stuff blows! ). It is…
Lazy Blogger
Yep….that would be MOI! I really have not spent anytime on this site for weeks. No excuses. Hell, maybe I needed the break! Regardless, I still…