First Tree Planted in Parcel 8 of the Boston Greenway

Parcel_8_tree_photo Today, as I was on my way to pick up may car to head up to New Hampshire for the weekend, I walked past what is currently referred to as Parcel 8 of  the future Boston  Greenway (the park that is to occupy the space where Boston’s elevated 93 ran through the city-now located directly underground thanks to the "Big Dig"). 

Parcel_8_tree_1 For a second I thought that this was some type of early April Fool’s joke.  I quickly snapped a picture with my Treo 700w so that I had proof I was not dreaming.  Alas, tangible progress to a park space that I have been anxiously awaiting since I bought my Condo five years ago (located less then a block away).  I have included an illustration to provide some sense of what the space is intended to look like when its complete (I even highlighted where the above tree is located).

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