My Voting Intentions

I know this is going to come as a SHOCK for many who know me and my historical right-leaning political views, but I fully intend to vote for Obama in the event that he wins his parties nomination at the Democratic National Convention. 

Several factors have converged to get me to this place:

First, I am excited about the opportunity to break the mold of electing old white men into office.  Hillary Clinton does not count in my book as I do not see how voting for another Clinton (or Bush for that matter) is progress.  Indeed, those two families have controlled the executive branch for more then 20 years, and look where that has gotten us.

Second, I am convinced that we need to end the War in Iraq as soon as possible.  To be intellectually honest, five years ago I was a supporter of the War.  I tended to believe that our government had been able to resolve the flaws in our Intelligence community after 9/11 and were operating on solid information regarding Iraq’s possession of WMDs.  Boy was I naive!!!! 

Finally, I have an interest in seeing a stronger focus on domestic policy.  I am hopeful that Obama will make this a priority.  I am especially interested in seeing more of a focus on educating our children, protecting our environment, developing  alternate fuel sources, and defending our country from future terrorist attacks.

Now…don’t get me wrong.  I am a full blown INDEPENDENT.  I really do hate both parties equally.  Indeed, I am going to be one of those voters that is really going to fuck with political scientists this year.  I intend to vote for Obama is he wins his parties nomination.  However, if Hillary prevails, I will vote for McCain.

  1. Oh, brother. Do you attach yourself to anything that isn’t trendy or fashionable? It’s probably too late for you to learn that style is the opposite of fashion.

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