The British School of Falconry

Cindy and I are having a wonderful time at the Equinox in Vermont. Today, after our spa session, we are going to look into taking Falconry lessons and possibly hit the archery range. Both activities are located at the resort’ British School of Falconry.

The school is the nation’s first school of its kind to offer hands-on lessons with trained Falcons. Their site states:

Guests at the Equinox are invited to try one of the world’s oldest sports in the beautiful setting of Hildene Meadows and enhance their appreciation of these magnificent birds. During a session, guests will learn to handle and fly Harris hawks. Introductory lessons, “hawk walks” and hunts are all offered to give guests the opportunity to appreciate these amazing animals.

If we end up doing this today, I imagine that it will only involve the introductory lessons.  There is NO WAY in hell that I am interested in the hunting option in which Harris hawks are flown at partridge, quail, rabbit, or other game in season.

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