This past Valentines Day, Cindy and I headed to Paris for the weekend to celebrate. It was a quick trip for both of us as we got in on Saturday morning and only could stay through Monday before we had to head to London for biz.
The trip mainly consisted of eating, drinking, exploring Paris, and yes….romance 🙂 As always, I found some time for photography. Although I brought my Cannon, I found that I had more fun shooting with my iPhone. It has occurred to me that when I shoot with a professional camera, I tend to become very anti-social. All I want to think about is getting the right shot. Obviously, this was not going to fly with Cindy. The iPhone allowed me to take it down several notches and still capture some cool scenes while having a blast exploring parts of Paris I had yet to see.
My Paris Valentines Day Set was mainly shot in Montmartre. The black and white effect is courtesy of the Old Camera App for iPhone. I know, I know…..the black and white does not give the warmest Vday vibe. Chalk it up to me feeling goth that day. Admittedly, this effort was sparse. Again, I had other more important things on my mind.
You may view all the set via Flickr: Paris Valentines Day Set
Thanks for a fabulous time baby!I’m glad we have such great photos to remember out time in Paris.