Mike Bonifer, someone whom I had the pleasure of meeting at an event a couple of months ago in Salt Lake City where he spoke on the topic of improvisation, replied:
“It’s good. Sounds like the start of a Fractal Fairy Tale…”.
To which, I replied “Indeed…..lets improvise one via our status updates ;)”.
Little did I know that it would set off a chain of events over the next 48 hours that would result in a improvised multi-media fairytale co-created via Facebook by Mike Bonifer, John Woodiel, and I. I am providing the outcome of this collaborative below so as to preserve it in a public setting and therefore share it with a broader audience. Enjoy!
John Woodiel: Without a sound, the matter took on a life of it’s own. Moving and
expanding like the slow formation of ice crystals or snowflakes, it
became more violent and complex while maintaining it’s mesmerizing
Number One gave its loneliness a name. And that is how Zero came to be.
Mike Bonifer: One and Zero began to dance, and their dance became an idea and their idea became code and in this code they discovered meaning.
Jeremi Karnell: From supergaltic to subatomic, the continuum wrapped its arms around all that was and all that will be.
Mike Bonifer: One and Zero had a word for the meaning they had discovered. They called it Who-ha.
John Woodiel: Who-ha had an ulterior motive. Who-ha ultimately tempts zero to consume
from a mystical concept alluding to the interconnectedness of all life,
telling zero that it will not lead to the permanent termination of the
biological functions that define a living organism. Zero succumbs, and
convinces One to do so as well. Aware now of their exposed nature, they
try to cover this that is embarrassing or disagreeable. And hide from
the sight of The Continuum.
Mike Bonifer: Fearful of the Continuum, One and Zero dance only in darkness. They
call out Who-Ha’s name, hoping to recover the mystical concept and hear
once more the promise of convergence. From this darkness, two offspring
emerge, twin points of light named Knowledge and Wisdom.
Jeremi Karnell:
Mike Bonifer:
Jeremi Karnell: This jealousy consumed the universe. Because of this, the cosmic melody
faded away and the dance between One and Zero faltered. Oh, null, nil,
zilch or naught; regardless of what name the Number One called Zero
this amphibian between being and non-being sat silent as the air is to
John Woodiel:
Mike Bonifer:
Mike Bonifer:
Jeremi Karnell: Malformed binary. Your binary code is must be divisible by 8!!
Mike Bonifer: With Zero as its companion, One was not lonely any more.