Human-Centric Marketing Thought Leadership + SlideRocket = #Winning Format

At the start of this year, One to One decided to take a different approach to our thought leadership program.  In the past we would conduct traditional live webinars via Web-Ex.  Those were promoted via paid digital media, search, and e-mail marketing.  We would on average get about 15-20 people to attend the day of the event and then post the asset on for sharing (which would result in several hundred views over the remainder of the year). I can tell you from experience, this approach was painful.

This year, we adopted Sliderocket, a cloud-based social presentation web service, as our primary presentation platform. Instead of live presentations, we opted to pre-record each thought leadership piece and make them available for on-demand viewing (under the brand  This approach also offered an array of social options to comment and/or share the presentation via e-mail, twitter, direct links, or embed code.


Additionally, we decided to promote the asset in waves.  Each wave represents about a week in time.  Below is a high-level overview of how we staged our out-reach.

Wave 1: Share with Industry thought leaders via Twitter (thanks @ChipConley & @armano for your re-tweets)

Wave 2: Share via One to One’s Social Ecosystem (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Blog)

Wave 3: Promote via our Opt-In E-Newsletter titled One to One Perspectives (21k Opt-in List)

Wave 4: Promote via Paid Search and Paid Social (Facebook & Linked In)

Wave 5: Blog Posts on Digital Marketing Industry Publications (i.e. Marketing Sherpa, etc). note: this is in progress

Wave 6: Create and share Slideshare Version (Posted today. Has already resulted in over 100 new views).

Human-Centric Marketing

View more presentations from One to One

Wave 7: Present at a major conference (Ian Karnell, CEO of One to One, will be presenting this content @ Internet World in London on May 10th).

Wave 8: One to One Breakfast Series (live event in development)

The results of our first episode, titled Human-Centric Marketing, was eye opening!  Below is a high-level of the first month results (props to Daytum for helping to produce the inforgraphic):

Instead of spending thousands of dollars to get dozens of  participants to a live webinar, we drove almost over 760  visitors in the first month (>5,000% increase in performance) by primarily leveraging social channels, spending a couple of hundred on pay-for-performance media, and making the content readily available for viewing and re-sharing.

As this was our first of many scheduled pieces we plan to produce for this year, it goes without saying we will continue to optimize our efforts based on our ongoing insights and learnings from this approach. Indeed, one thing that we will need to work on is increasing the average viewing time from 14.37 Minutes to 20-25 Minutes. Seeking to get a larger audience in the first 30 days will also be our focus.

In the end, we could not be happier with our initial results. Any thoughts and feedback regarding this approach are welcome.

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